& CO.
Industrial and Marine
Synthetic Resins and Specialties
5100 Channel Avenue Richmond CA 94804-4646
vox 1-510-237-6842 fax 1-510-232-9921
email smi3th@smithandcompany.org
Year Clear ™ Polyurethane coating system specification
is a moisture-sensitive system. Do not allow moisture as liquid
water to touch the surface being finished, from beginning to end of the
application process and at least two days thereafter. This includes
not only rain but dew or other nighttime condensation. Do not apply
if the nighttime temperature is below 50º F. The consequences may
require stripping and starting over.
Five Year Clear TM polyurethane
shall be applied over a properly prepared wood substrate [Other substrates
are possible, as well as pigmented systems, but this specification covers
only the Clear on Wood.] according to the instructions of the manufacturer.
The personnel actually applying the product shall meet with the
manufacturer's representative, to discuss the instructions, after having
read the instructions and before beginning the application process of
any of the products. Application without this meeting is not permitted.
Do not use any chemical paint strippers
in the preparation of the substrate without prior review and approval
of its formula by Smith & Co.
MultiWoodPrime, also
known as Clear Penetrating
Epoxy Sealer TM (Warm Weather Formula)
Five Year Clear Polyurethane
Five Year TM Brushing Reducer (as appropriate)
Five Year TM Spraying Reducer (as appropriate)
Five Year TM Polyurethane Flatting Concentrate (as appropriate)
Urethane Cleanup Solvent. (as appropriate)
Cold Weather Accelerator. (as appropriate)
The wood surface
shall be mechanically shaped and all holes drilled. Sharp corners
allow the coating to be excessively thin and are a source of premature
failures. Therefore, all exterior corners shall be rounded to no
less than 1/8 inch radius. The wood shall be clean of sanding or
other debris or old finishes. Chemical strippers shall not have
been used in the removal of any old finish without the prior approval
of Smith & Co., as some may leave nonvolatile residues in the wood
which will degrade subsequent applications.
Usage of Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer
is not fully predictable as it soaks into the wood on the first application,
depending on the porosity of the wood. Thus, usage may range from
30 to 300 square feet per gallon on the first application. The subsequent
applications lie largely on the surface, and usage may be on the order
of a few hundred square feet per gallon per application, with as many
as needed to seal the surface porosity. This ranges from two to
five applications, typically, depending on the wood.
Usage of Five Year Clear Polyurethane shall
be controlled, in that a 2-pint kit of Five Year Clear Polyurethane shall
be applied, in as many coats as are necessary to use it up, over each
25 square feet, or a 2-quart kit over 50 square feet, or a 2-gallon kit
over each 200 square feet. This usage is for brushed application.
Spraying may waste a large portion of the material, necessitating destructive
physical analysis to verify film thickness.
Usage of Brushing or Spraying Reducer is
typically 10% to 20% of the amount of Five Year Clear Polyurethane.
of Cold Weather Accelerator is typically one unit per 400 square feet,
if needed due to weather conditions.
Usage of Flatting Concentrate varies with
the reduction of sheen, is only in the last coat, and may range from 300
to 600 square feet finished, per quart of flatting concentrate used.
Usage of Urethane Cleanup Solvent is at
the discretion of the applicator, for cleaning up spray equipment.
first the MultiWoodPrime or Clear Penetrating
Epoxy Sealer (WW Formula) according to the latest issue of Five Year Clear
Polyurethane Finish, New One-to-One formula, Instructions For Use, observing
all the instructions and warnings.
Redwood or other abnormally soft woods should
preferably be pressure impregnated with Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer
(WW Formula) as their excessive physical weakness will allow premature
coating failure as the coating ages, stiffens, and develops greater mechanical
stress at the coating-substrate interfacial bond due to seasonal temperature
and humidity variations affecting the wood.
Two or more applications of Clear Penetrating
Epoxy Sealer (Fast Formula) may be necessary to satisfy the manufacturer's
second the Five Year Clear Polyurethane according to the Instructions
For Use. Brushing or spraying reducer may be required, as well as
the Urethane Cleanup Solvent. Depending on the ambient temperature,
the Cold Weather Accelerator may also be needed.
After the last coat of Five Year Clear Polyurethane,
a minimum of 48 hours at 70º F and 40% Relative Humidity (R. H.) must
be allowed to elapse before the coating will tolerate water exposure without
damage. Full chemical cure and the development of ultimate physical properties
takes two weeks at 70º F and 40% R.H.
5100 Channel Avenue
Richmond CA 94804-4646
email: smi3th@smithandcompany.org
© copyright 1972 - 2009, The Brain
Trust, a California irrevocable trust,
reprinted with permission
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