Smith & Co. now offers what we believe to be the best traditional marine spar varnish available, Epifanes Gloss: A suitable product to use when the Five Year Clear is not available. We tested it and other varnishes in our laboratory under high-intensity ultraviolet light. Epifanes varnish held its gloss the best and lasted the longest. Skeptical?
To learn more, please visit Using Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer (also known as CPES as well as MultiWoodPrime) as a Primer for Paint or Varnish.
To place your order, visit Smith & Co.'s web site, scroll down until you see the words, Varnish Kits. Choose the appropriate kit and send in your check, our contact information is located below the list of kits. Go now!
Pictures simply cannot come close to showing you it's "wet-look" high-gloss appearance. That's why there aren't any pictures. Just imagine the highest-gloss finish you've ever seen.
It's better than that, much better.
Five Year Clear is a spectactular exterior finish for any door, window or other building components, as well as your boat.
Our customers routinely tell us our Five Year Clear polyurethane still looks like the day they did it, even five years later and some longer than that.
Here's a few Testimonials from our customers.
The people who publish the Practical Sailor and Powerboat Reports started testing this product on some panels on their roof in 1996 ... get a copy of the March 2000 issue and see what they say.
We have been making this stuff for almost twenty years now ... and we only sell it factory direct to the actual user. It is so expensive to make that it can't be sold through a wholesale/retail distribution system, and besides, we like to talk to our customers after they have read the instructions and before they use the product.
Here's a recent article about Five-Year Clear.You can use this exterior finish on oak, teak, mahogany and all these other woods.
"megayacht special"
Application-kits of various sizes, with accessories. Priced delivered within the 48 contiguous United States. Available through your yacht-provisioner or factory direct. As seen in The Yacht Report and Dockwalk.
Inquire for details; our additional web pages are under construction and will be up soon.
Please include name, physical address, phone, fax and how many square feet of wood you wish to finish bright.
Points of Interest:
- Due to an exceptional overload of spam in the internet in recent months, please call our 800 number for a prompt response. Incoming and outgoing email is bouncing like a rubber ball on a regular basis and cannot be trusted. If you do choose to email us, please include your phone number so we can call you back. Thank you! 1-800-234-0330 (Novemter 2006)
Request for Literature (please include physical address).
Clear Coatings - What the Architect needs to know.
You may order this system from::
Smith & Co.
5100 Channel Avenue
Richmond, CA 94804
(fax) 510-232-9921One of the secrets to the fantastic performance of this product is the Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer™, which makes any coating stick better and last longer. Go ask CCABC, Grand Banks Forum or The Wooden Boat Forum if anyone has used our Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer as a primer for our (or any) finish.
Page last updated May 2009